Earlswood Village Hall (EVH) Management Structure.
The Village Hall has two layers of management who each perform different functions:
- Holding Trustees
Their role is to hold the assets of EVH and they can be individuals or a body corporate such as the parish council. EVH has four individual trustees who delegate the day to day management of the Village Hall to a Management Committee. The Trustees are responsible for the assets of EVH and, if it becomes necessary, the disposal of said assets. They are also to oversee the actions of the Management Committee. The four Trustees are: Alison Coupland, Dave Burgess, Ewen Cunningham and Roy Wilmott.
- Management Committee
Their role is to manage the day to day running of the hall and to recommend any refurbishment(s) to the Holding Trustees for approval. They also oversee the hire of the hall and any fund raising activities. As EVH is completely self funding, it is up to this committee to ensure that there are sufficient funds to see to the day to day operation of the hall.
The Management Committee has a much greater responsibility than the Trustees. In this respect they will be expected to act reasonably and prudently by ensuring that EVH’s assets are fully insured (buildings and contents, public liability and trustee liability as a minimum). They must maintain accurate financial records that are independently audited at the end of the trading year (January to December) with the full set of accounts presented to the AGM held in April.
This committee should have no more than twelve members. The Holding Trustees may be supernumerary members of the Management Committee if they so desire. The members of the Management Committee are:
Chair: Shannon Moore
Treasurer: Fiona Burgess
Secretary: Lynne O’Carroll
Bookings Secretary: Jakie Young
Members: Cheryl Roberts, Chris Webb, Shanon Moore, Sarah Barnes and Derek Greene plus the Trustees
A person can become a Trustee or a member of the Management Committee provided they are over 18 unless they:
- Have been convicted at any time of any offence involving deception or dishonesty, unless the conviction is legally regarded as spent; or
- Is an undischarged bankrupt; or
- Has made compositions with their creditors and has not been discharged; or
- Has at any time been removed by the Commissioners or by the court from being a trustee because of misconduct; or
- Is disqualified from being a company director; or
- Is subject to an order under section 429(2) (b) of the Insolvency Act 1986.
Under normal circumstances the Trustees of EVH would approach directly any prospective new member based on their commitment to local community.